randomposting (randomposting) wrote,

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Do a little good.

Ya'll know I don't do petitions very often, but I'm so disgusted by this Monster, I hope you will really consider signing this, and passing it on.


Here's what you would be signing:

Michael Vick has openly admitted to the fighting, torture, and murder of many pitbulls on his land in Virginia.  These dogs were not only fought but murdered in some of the most brutal ways-beating, drowning, hanging, and even electrocution.  For the horrible crimes that Michael Vick has committed, he was sentenced to a mere 23 months in prison, and now his lawyers are announcing that he should be out of prison and in a halfway house any day now.  This petition is to encourage the NFL to not reinstate Michael Vick into the NFL EVER!  Professional Athletes are Role Models to our Nations youth, whether they want to be or not.  Young children look up to them and emulate them.  Michael Vick should never be allowed to play professional football again.  To read more about the Michael Vick dogs go to http://vault.sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/article/magazine/MAG1150095/index.htm


What are your thoughts on animal cruelty? On dog fighting?

And one of my journallers d4b needs your help! For those that have filming capabilities, please consider doing this, from him:


" Hi, I’m David Beroff.
I’m launching my new site, EnglishWithDavid.com, and I need your help. I will be creating a video ad for the site, and I need to show other people chatting.
So, I need a video of you, chatting with someone off-camera. Please wear a headset and/or earphones and a microphone. (The other person does not have to exist; you can pretend!)
Ironically, you don’t even have to speak English, since I will be deleting your audio.
You must keep your words family-friendly, in case someone can read your lips. Needless to say, your appearance must also be family-friendly, i.e., no nudity, etc.
I need at least 30 seconds of raw (unedited) video as follows:
• At least ten seconds of you looking directly at the camera. Half the time, you are “listening”: Nod your head, smile, react, but don’t say anything. The other half of the time, smile and speak enthusiastically. Use your hands animatedly, if doing so is natural for you and the way you usually speak.
• At least ten seconds of the same, with you looking off-camera, slightly to the right.
• At least ten seconds of the same, with you looking off-camera, slightly to the left.
I will retain full rights to your work, which means I have the right to do whatever I please with it, including doing nothing.
Send the video to me, David (at) Beroff.com, using the YouSendIt.com service.

Thank you very much!"

I'll be doing more advertising for those of you that need it, so if you want me to pimp out your business, send me an email at IMRandomposting@aol.com


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