Do any of you use Ebay? I'm considering selling things on Ebay because I'm freakin' broke, but I want to chat with other people who sell stuff to see if it's worth it, so if you want to share your experiences I would be most appreciative. :)
Also, if I do decie to seel items, I'll put a link to my sales in my ebay profile.. and if you buy something from me you'll know my name and address. lol. So a bit of the mystery will be gone but I'm broke, so I guess it's worth it if I can sell stuff I dont use/need.
Talk show host Jay Leno received the folowing comment from a teacher on his fifth grade report card: " If Jay spent as much time studying as he does trying to be a comedian, he'd be a big star.
And how to praise the Lord aerobically.
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